Tuesday, July 04, 2006



Bessie has the 4th of July spirit, ready to greet canoers and kayakers. As a matter of fact, right this minute there is a group of people smack dab in front of our house, beached on the sand across the river, and swimming in the hole. We seem to have the prime location for a beach party. Another group did the same thing yesterday.

Photographic evidence of the Beach Party across from us! They settled in - they've already been there for 45 minutes!

We helped Mother celebrate the Fourth at Concord Place. I was surprised that she let me take her picture - she's usually opposed to having her photo taken.

It has been a lovely day. After we visited Mother, we went downtown and parked in the parking deck, and strolled around town. We had coffee at Horizon - great people-watching during the Cherry Festival. We had a slice and a Coke at Pangea Pizza and sat out on the sidewalk. There are so many people in town, and such a lot to see - it was fascinating. We may not be very racially diverse in T.C., but we certainly have a lot of Caucasian diversity - everything from the tattooed, pierced and dyed to the elegant and upper class - and all things in between. Everybody comes to town this week.

Dick is walking in the Heritage Parade tonight with the Visitor Center Volunteers. They will be Unit 41 - keep your eyes peeled! The parade starts at 7 p.m.

9 p.m. Update:

Laurie and Dylan are on the beach at Delray Beach waiting for the fireworks to begin. She sent these cell phone pictures. They're not the best quality because it's twilight there, and they're phone pictures, but it's another part of the 4th of July :)

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