Wednesday, September 20, 2006

I Know What Day It Is!

It's Wednesday! Aha! I'm on top of things now!

When I taught school every classroom was responsible for putting on a program each semester about something we were studying. One year it just so happened that we had the names of the days of the week for spelling words so off we went to do some pretty heavy duty second grade research on Freya, Woden, Thor,etc.

We divided into groups, made costumes, wrote poems and music, made signs
and came up with a pretty good show.

The point of all this is that the other day in some office I saw the secretaty write out an appt. for Wen., Sept. 21. Any one of those 2nd graders would have bopped her with Thor's hammer.

Dick and Galadriel pulled in around 9 p.m. complete with a big celebratory presentation box of champagne (checked, of course). Dick fixed some supper while I dozed in my chair. Wonderful to see her. She traveled in her morning brunch outfit (daytime casual), so she's one up on me and we haven't even started yet.

We both loved her business collar spies are everywhere.

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