Thursday, November 02, 2006

Rejoining the Human Race

I'm feeling human again. I haven't used the cane for 2 days, although I'm still slow and a little limpy. I keep finding bills that haven't been paid, and one that was paid twice!! So that kind of evens out. I found an appointment reminder for September that got lost in the shuffle - but it was just the annual dermatology checkup, so not exactly vital. I'm doing that tomorrow.
I've driven twice, once by myself. Today I went to the beautiful shop (inside joke) for the first time since June! That's the main reason that I feel human again. After that, Dick took me out to lunch (Red Lobster) for the first time since July! Now there's an odd reason for feeling proud of yourself!

The news is full of John Kerry's botched joke. The reporters seem to have forgotten about Bush's Botched War, which is not a joke.

Last Sunday we went to the Concord Place Halloween party! I'll bet you're jealous. After that kissing game last summer that Laurie and Chip played along with us and some other couples, Dick swore that he would never again play a game at a Concord party. Ahem! This time he was shamed into doing the ghost walk...and he didn't even win anything! I think that Mother had a good time (and that's what it's all about) - she waved at all of her fellow residents, ate a lot for lunch, and stayed for an hour and a half. A real party animal!

Jana says she's feeling much better, and is back at work. She sounded great on the phone. Tom sent a picture of his latest mountain biking incident - a lacerated arm (no, not that arm, the other arm.) Evidently his biking buddies are making sure that someone has a camera to record whatever happens, because they're sure that something will. For Christmas, Tom is getting a lifetime supply of Neosporin, a biker's first aid kit, and a new sling,

Dylan hasn't called for two mornings in row, so we don't have a report on trick or treating or on the field trip to the Environmental Study Center. We don't even know what the spelling words are for this week. (Heavy sigh)

This week I was a widow for two days in a row. Tuesday I was a geocaching widow, and Wednesday I was a Medicare volunteer training widow. I was lucky, though, because when Jana was here in September, she left a couple of good books!

We had an inch of snow this morning at Basswood Bend. We drove into town, and there was nary a flake to be seen. More snow is predicted for the next two days.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What did I leave? Was it the Kite Runner? Wasn't it **good**? :)