Monday, December 24, 2012

Life of Pi

Had fun today just being with family.  We bought some holiday pies at our Publix, and it was a zoo - lots of folks had last minute things to buy.

We had lunch at Laurie's, watched some TV, talked, and just enjoyed being together.

We all went to see Life of Pi at the Regency - we wanted to see it in 2d.  It's a marvelous, mystical story, full of human coping, allegory, and survival.  We all liked it very much.  We marked the day in red on the calendar, because Dick liked it too.

A 16 year-old Indian boy's passage to a new life in America aboard a freighter ends in a shipwreck in the Pacific. He is left to fend for himself on a life raft with an orangutan, a zebra, a hyena and a Bengal tiger.
Santa Claus comes tonight!  Happy Christmas!  We'll have Christmas on the 26th because Chip is up in the air.

Jana is coming in the morning!  We'll all be together.

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