Sunday, August 29, 2004

Sunday, Sweet Sunday

The title of this entry comes from The Flower Drum Song, a 1950s Broadway musical by Rodgers and Hammerstein. It was popular when we were kids, and I think we know the words to all of the songs. This is an excerpt:

Sunday, sweet Sunday,
With nothing to do,
Lazy and lovely,
My one day with you.
Hazy and happy,
We'll drift through the day,
Dreaming the hours away.

So today, we lived it out, and pretty much just drifted through the day. We did watch some Olympic track and field events, and the finish of the Marathon.

Pole Vault

Dick did go talk to the Barkers about having the driveway sealed, and we did go visit Mother and did her trash and recycling...but other than that...

The wonderful lyrics to the fantastic Flower Drum Song can be found at:

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