Friday, January 14, 2005

Who Belongs in the Hospital??

Today was the momentous day when Dick replaced the faucet in the kitchen sink. It wasn't easy, and Dick isn't a plumber, but he did it and it works great! There was one little glitch - the water filter wouldn't fit on the new faucet. More later.
Hooray for Dick!

After the faucet was installed we went big grocery shopping at Glen's and bought tons and tons of healthy food. Honest.

Mother called with some news - she was quite amused by this.... Integrity called and said that Stacy wouldn't be coming today because she's in the hospital with a kidney infection. Last week it was Shannon who was in the hospital. Mother gets a kick out of having both of these young whipper-snappers hospitalized while she goes blithely on through life in relatively good health. Shannon is in her forties, and Stacy is 23. Mom is 96. Who do you think probably really belongs in the hospital??

After Guiding Light we went for a ride to the hardware store to get an adapter so Dick could attach the water filter to the new faucet. We drove through town and looked at the gray, grim bay. It's a very cold day - temps in single digits - totally overcast, snowy and blowy.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear your Mum is OK! She sounds a remarkable lady :)


NJKS said...

Hi Mitchy!
She is a remarkable lady - thank you very much! So nice to hear from you - send me an email when you have time. And I'll read the Scribblings :)