Saturday, January 15, 2005

Winter Convergence

Believe it or not, with temps in single digits, the Northern Michigan Geocachers had a picnic today at Muncie Lakes.

Last year, Laurie and Dylan were here and we all went to the picnic. This year, I stayed home by the fire and Dick went to the picnic and crystallized his toenails. Actually, in spite of the cold weather, there were 79 people who attended. As I said, believe it or not! There was chili, hot dogs, french fries, and cake to eat - I guess it was hard to keep the hot food hot! Afterwards, Tim and Susie (DinoDuo) came over for hot chocolate, and we talked geocaching for an hour and a half.

It was Mancino's pizza for dinner. You just have to love Mancino's!

Laurie and Chip were having a Steelers party with some new friends who are also from Pittsburgh. The Steelers had a hard time winning, but the Jets' kicker gave them the game wrapped up in gold ribbon. Steelers won in overtime.

At the time of the failed field goal, we were on iSight with Tom. Very much fun. We're so high tech we can't stand ourselves!

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