Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Glorious Day

Tuesday being cheap popcorn day and all, Mary and I went out to lunch and then to the movies. Her sister-in-law Shirley came with us. We saw Fever Pitch with Jimmy Fallon and Drew Barrymore. It was chosen because it's just what we love - a cheesy romantic comedy. Except for me it wasn't that cheesy this time. It touched me on several levels.

First of all , it's set in Boston. So every time there was a cityscape, it brought back all kinds of memories of the times we visited Tom at MIT - the Pru, the Charles River, etc.

Secondly, it's a story about avid sports fans. Their team, of course, is the Boston Red Sox. The male lead is such an avid fan he has season tickets, plans his life around the Red Sox schedule, has been offered $100,000 for his tickets, etc. He's had the same seats since he was 7 years old (he inherited them from his uncle). He knows all of his seatmates for rows around in the ball park. It was so reminiscent of Michigan Stadium and our seatmates, and the "avidness" of some of them, I can't tell you how much fun it was for me. Of course a college football season is much much shorter than a MLB team's season, but there were a lot of parallel happenings.

Thirdly, it's a story about being so thoughtful and caring of your significant other that you're willing to make a big sacrifice for the first time in your life to be with them. I can truly identify with that! (Last year's Michigan-Michigan State game).

Fourth, the Drew Barrymore character made me think of Jana. She played a highly successful corporate entity who was so involved with her job that she was working overtime way too much, and not really allowing herself to have a life. She was either at work or in the gym. She met her boyfriend at work when he was bringing his students for a field trip.

I really enjoyed Drew Barrymore in this movie - she was believable and funny. Jimmy Fallon did an OK job, but he wasn't as appealing to me...likeable, but not appealing. So I enjoyed the movie for all of those personal reasons, and besides, I'm a pushover for a happy ending.

Dick spent a glorious day geo-caching with Tim and Susie. (See above link and scroll to Basswood Bend.) They had a marvelous time tromping over hill and dale in the 83 degree weather, wearing out their shoe leather. Different strokes.

Visited Mother, wrote some checks, and gossiped!

On the world scene, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was elected Pope today. He has chosen the name Benedict XVI. Some are calling him a Nazi because he's German, and served in the German army in his youth. I personally think that he was very, very young at the time and most likely had no choice. He and his brother both became priests, and that does not sound very Nazi-like. Mother thought that he looks like a very friendly person, so there you go!

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