Thursday, April 14, 2005

Mail Those Taxes!

Why wait til the last minute. The deadline's not til tomorrow, but we put the taxes in the post today like good little citizens!

I'm working on requests for genealogy information that I'll be sending to selected relatives tomorrow. If I don't get a response within 2 weeks, I'll send another request to the next person on that branch of the family tree. I'm so organized it's scary. I'm anxiously awaiting more info to put in. My subscription to this Family Tree Program is only 1 year! (Kanitz family)

Dick and I went to Mother's house with 2 laundry baskets full of books and other items for the Estate Sale. Dick cleared out the paint and oil (toxic material) from the basement. I sorted through some more memorabilia, and I think we left with as much stuff as we took. We had a chance to talk to neighbor Jeff, so now he knows that the house is up for sale, and we told him the price.

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