Sunday, April 10, 2005

Sweet Sunday

This was a home day - we went grocery shopping first.

Then Dick hopped on his tractor and proceeded to de-thatch the entire southern half of Grand Traverse County. Well, almost.

Inside, it was laundry, fixing a foot elevation box for Mother, etc. etc. It was a nice day for working outside, and I did a little cutting back in the garden, too. Our spring flowers are finally blooming. We have crocuses, daffodils, and narcissus - very beautiful against the brown of everything else. We're anxiously awaiting green-up.

Jim drove up from Saginaw today to visit Mother and to take some things from the house. And also bring some of their crystal for the sale. We invited him to dinner Monday night so we can discuss all of the real estate/estate sale business.

I've been scanning pictures for my Kanitz Family Tree project - I have a lot of historic pictures from Mother's house. The Family Tree is on hold - I'm waiting to hear from Lisa and Jeremy so I can compare my tree to theirs. It's a very enjoyable project.

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