Saturday, April 09, 2005

Tour of Torch

This morning we met with the Estate Sale people, Antiques Appraisers. They toured Mother's house from top to bottom, and agreed to run the sale for us. Because Mother's possessions are modest, they'll be bringing in consignment items to kind of punch it up a bit. The Appraisers do everything - cleaning, washing, rearranging, displaying, selling, wrapping, and the clean-up afterwards. We don't even have to be there during the sale. In fact they encourage you to stay away. It's an absolutely painless way to handle the closing of Mom's estate. I'm so glad that she is agreeable to doing this.

Everybody seems to agree that the time to sell the house is around the time of the Cherry Festival because of the volume of people through the neighborhood that week, so we're moving things up a bit. The Festival is early this year - July 2-9, so we'll want to have the sale towards the end of June. The house will be empty and clean after everything is over and done with, and it will be ready to be shown.

In the afternoon, we went caching around Torch Lake. It was an absolutely gorgeous day - we had a great time. We found a great new natural area with nice paths, and boardwalk and overlook. We want to bring Dylan back there this summer. It's off M-88 down Traverse Bay Road. There was a multi-cache at Barnes Park, which turned out to be a really nice campground. We walked in the woods at Hayo-Went-Hah - I just went in a short way, but Dick went the whole distance, and up a huge hill to find the cache. Meanwhile, I was back at the car meeting the man who put out the cache! He was returning home, which is just across the road from the trail head. He was very interesting - quite new to caching but enthusiastic. He is TeamMotivated. We both enjoyed meeting him.

On the way home we checked out our Rocky and Porky cache and everything was in order.

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