Sunday, September 03, 2006

The Pizza Cart

There have been some wild and crazy drug induced dreams in the past month,believe me. They are so realistic that even after I wake up I think it's still going on.

I just woke up from a hotel pizza dream - I heard the announcement in our room (It was the Van Something Hotel) - very posh. "Steigers, your pizza is ready. Call such and such for delivery when you're ready". I was barely awake, so I just assumed that Dick would call.

I have no idea how much time passed, but eventually I realized that nothing was happening, so I began to wake up. As I looked around the hotel room, I saw that the list of hotel amenities was beautifully and skillfully woven into the lovely rug on the floor. It had phone numbers, shuttle buses, menus, etc. One of the pictures on the rug was a cute little pizza delivery cart.

I waited for Dick to do something, and it seemed to me that I was awake in real life at that point. Still nothing was happening, so I actually said out loud, "Dick, did you hear that?" No response. OK, by now I really was waking up, although I could still see the black and white rug. I said a little more quietly this tme, "Dick, are you in here?"

Well of course he wasn't - I think he's outside somewhere. I'm in here alone with my powerful pain relievers. Luckily, I'm not hungry, and the pizza would be cold by now anyway.

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